Some Backstory


We met in Sihnaoukville, Cambodia. Laura was volunteering for a children’s charity, where as Fionn was on indefinite hiatus from a fledgling teaching career. The one thing, among many others, we obviously had in common was a desire to “make the world a better place”. Of course at that time neither of us had any idea where that would lead us or how it was we were supposed to achieve such a vague life goal.

Laura teaching an Art class in Tamil Nadu
Laura teaching an Art class in Tamil Nadu

So, we fell madly in love, of course, and jumped on a great many bandwagons of “making the world a better place” as we went along. We lived and worked in India and Ghana. (Fionn for almost a year in India and both of us for 6 months there while Laura was pregnant with Iyla). We joined Occupy,  marched with Anonymous, cooked free food and attempted to discuss the major issues with anyone who was within earshot.

Million Mask March
London Million Mask March

Fionn really wanted to make “changing the world” his life and completed a Masters in International Development with his main interest being Political Science and Social Psychology. Although it was Fionn’s degree, we both ended up learning an enormous amount. As most good couples know, one can’t go through a life changing experience without the other also learning from it.

Unfortunately the main thing that was learned through the lengthy and at times brutal learning process was that basically everything that the conventional governmental and non governmental organisations had to offer, from our perspective, only served to further exacerbate our current global dilemma. Though what was potentially the worst of all was that very few within our immediate group of friends and associates wanted to know about it, or they did, but they were unwilling or stated they were unable to do anything about it.

After about 3 years of thinking and questioning that reached some very deep and dark places, the only genuine, yet rather vague conclusion we could come to was to contribute as little as possible to our current trajectory. The best way to do this, we felt, was to get off grid and supply as much of our own needs as was physically possible.

Then we found this…



6 thoughts on “Some Backstory

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  1. Having been only a fleck of sand in your travelling story I feel privileged to have at least been that and continue to realise just how inspirational you both are. As an art teacher I feel gratitude that I can open the eyes of young people to the marvel that is our planet through creativity, but often feel that my efforts are lost in all the governmental red tape. What you are both doing is amazing and I hope I can find my own path, perhaps leaving my patch of earth a little better off than when I found it.


    1. Oh Ms. Mac!
      You put a little tear in my eye! We miss you young lady and saying/writing things like that just makes us realise all the more how much of a special one indeed you are! A spec of sand? Possibly. But what a spec! Keep up the work on your patch beautiful lady x


  2. Didn’t know that you guys met in Sihanoukville – it must be a special place because that’s also where Vince proposed to me, on Serendipity Beach….weird connections! Loving the story xx

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